Reflections of Sound & Light
Wisdom to nourish the soul. Messages of hope and guidance for these times.
The creation of a medicine drum is a personalized expression of Spirit - An ally in the fields of...
I often speak to stories of Nature, and the song of the Earth, and how she speaks to us.
When I...
We are in an epoch period of transformation, prophesied by multiple cultures, from the Algonquin,...
Spring is a time of extraordinary significance, or, as the Tibetans might say, of auspiciousness....
Dorothy shared with me this morning that the Dalai Lama has said, that where there is no hope,...
In today’s age of spiritual advancement, many people promote ‘power’ in a...
You have heard me say for some time, "It is time."
Look at what is going on around you, within...
Blessed Spring to each of you.
Take good care of yourself, and those close to you.
Who knows what...