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Introduction to the Clear Blue Sky and Diamond Light Practice

Jul 22, 2024

Here, we are using the principle of a clear blue sky as the nature of Spaciousness. It is a typical methodology in some Tibetan schools to experience the pristine nature of emptiness or spaciousness, which pervades all things.

We begin with the great Blue Sky, but by the very nature of the practice, we touch, also, the Sky Beings who reside there, and the Light and Wisdom Gateways of the Sun and Moon.

From the honoring of the feminine and masculine principles, which occurs in this practice (Spaciousness or Sky is the Feminine, the Star or Diamond Light is the Masculine,) we, also, enter those states of Perfect Union, from which we come, and through which we are reborn. We welcome you to the work, and share many blessings with all:

Clear Blue Sky, and Diamond Light Meditation Practice

Bring your awareness into your heart, and develop a sense of feeling of spaciousness within the heart. You can do this by breathing into the heart center (chakra) in the center of the chest, and allowing or imagining your breath to rise out from it. Eventually move more and more into a felt sense of space residing or growing within the heart. You can recall a time in which you experienced vast space around you, such as on a mountaintop, by the ocean, in a field at night, to assist you to enter a felt sense of spaciousness. As you do so, simply let go of any other thoughts or feelings that arise.

Take your time with each stage of the practice.

As you enter a felt sense of spaciousness, begin to imagine that you are resting somewhere on the Earth, perhaps a place that you enjoy, with a great, clear, blue sky around you.
You may, again, imagine yourself to be on a mountaintop, a high cliff face, or great expansive field, with a distant horizon, but feel the sky above you, and around you; and dream it, more and more, crystalline blue, deep, clear, rich in energy and color. If you are living somewhere where we have been experiencing just such pristine, clear days, this may help you to enter that felt sense of resting in a clear, blue sky.

As you do so, allow yourself to ‘drift’ into space, deep in this rich, blue, clear sky, and rest there.

Again, take your time for each stage of the practice.

Dream nothing else, until you can rest in the infinite wisdom and tranquility of this perfectly clear, rich, blue sky. Know, also, that you are drinking the sustenance of the sky, the air, the vitality, the nutrients of the sun, as well, as you enter this practice.

You can continue resting here for some time.

Realize that you are resting in the deep and infinite peace of the sky, and the Ones who sustain it.

Realize that any other thoughts or feelings which may arise, can simply be set adrift in the vastness of this vital blue sky, and it will dissolve them, of its own nature. Just let them go here.

After a while, after you have a clear sense of resting in the blue sky, if you choose, you can imagine the sun or moon high upon the horizon, or above you. And, you, also, can connect with, and drink in the nectar and wisdom of the sun or moon. Drink in that infinite wisdom. If you want, you can use the sun or moon as a portal into their realms of wisdom. Follow the dream through the body of the sun or moon, should you choose to, and see what arises there for you, entering the gateway into the infinite wisdom of their care and love, and those who await you there.

After some time, you may come back into this clear, blue sky, which you are resting in, in deep peacefulness, or tranquility. Here you may stay as long as you want. And, you may stop the practice whenever you are ready. But, if you wish to take the practice a little further, bring the sun or moon into your heart, as an emanation of pure diamond light, that you can radiate at any time into the world, with this infinite peace and wisdom, emanating through the whole field of your being. Over time, allow that radiance to stretch further out into the world, simply allowing it to radiate, for the benefit of all.

If you wish to journey further, you may rise higher into space, until you reach the infinite darkness and vastness of empty space.

Realize that all of the stars and galaxies of the Cosmos are above and around you, and you can drink in their diamond radiance, to further illuminate your heart.

If you wish, you can illuminate the Earth beneath you, with this diamond heart.

When you are ready, come back to Earth, and into this infinite diamond radiance within your heart, where you are now resting, in your body.

Finish the practice with gratitude for those who brought you this wisdom, and diamond light.

Zacciah Blackburn

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