Resonance - The key of life

earth mysteries the way of sound Jun 20, 2024

I often speak to stories of Nature, and the song of the Earth, and how she speaks to us.
When I share these experiences, I am not speaking metaphorically, but relating how the voices of nature speak out loud.

The Mother Earth, the Sky Beings, the Trees, the Stones. The Ancient Ones know these are living beings.

They are part of life, part of the story.
Every indigenous culture knows this, it is the ground of their existence.

And, developing right relation with the Living Consciousness of the Earth and Sky is so much a part of the path.

For instance, as I share now of how the Earth responds to our prayers, a gentle rain falls now upon me, on a day forecast to be sunny, a cloud moves over me and gives to me the gentle blessings of the Sky Beings, as it sings its soft drops into being, and I receive them.

How would you receive them?

Would you see them this way, would you hear their song, know it as a blessing?
 Or, would you scurry away, as to not get too wet, disappointed if not worse, that the rain has come, possibly to spoil your day?

This is how it is, how we hear the songs of the Earth and Sky, of life itself.
How we hear and receive their messages.

How do we hear them?

Do we hear their beauty, their way of speaking to us, of bringing us messages?

It does not have to be in English, or your native language.

No, the language of the Earth is more than that.

It is the radiance of beauty.
And the resonance of life itself, that can speak to us if we but have ears to listen; and to trust, to trust the heart song we hear from the Earth.
Do you hear it?
When you are out in nature.

Do you feel the vital song?

The rain just got louder.

Are you listening?
The beauty, the joy of the Earth is in part, how we receive it.

Perhaps we cut ourselves off from the song by living in a dense city; and that becomes our reality. We lose track of the song of the Earth, her beauty, vitality, and the joy of her many voices.

The rain gets stronger as I speak.
Do we listen to the every day messages of the Earth, in her many varied forms?
It does not have to be The Mother Earth herself, Gaia, the beauty of the robed mother goddess before us, speaking in our native tongue, though she may choose to do this. Are we ready to receive her? Are we open, inviting, ready, reverent, honoring, listening?

She is here, she does listen, and she does respond.

Indeed, this is the point of my message.

The Earth responds.

She listens to our prayers, to our heartsongs.

She is with us.

She birthed us.

At least in human form.

We may come from afar, from the stars and beyond.
But, here, we are robed in human attire.

Do we view it as a temple, a sacred body, or is it an encumbrance?
Do we love who we are? Do we rejoice in our beauty?

Or, are we confined to the limited and elusive belief of so many human cultures of what beauty is?

Do we understand and define it by who we are, and how we live?

The way we perceive things is reflected back to us in our human condition.

We have so much more part in this than most of us realize,
more power in this than most of us can imagine.

We are most powerful, holy beings, descended unto Earth, to experience Life itself, in these myriad forms, to excel in her beauty, rest in her dust, awaken in remembrance of our truly greater Self, and join in the celebration and cultivation of Life itself.

This is who we are, not some bag of bones lost in a myriad of humanity lost unto itself.

Awaken, dear heart; there is so much more!
And, more is coming!
Step forward, be a part of life itself, and all it has in store for you and all you can bring through unto it, through your myriad talents and gifts you bring.
Be a part.

The rain has now given way to birdsongs.
How does she speak to you?

Can you listen to her many, many messages?
It is not our language centers that receives them. Please, listen with the heart. 

It is the resonance of the Earth, her vital voice speaking to us, like an undercurrent of joy and light.
Listen closely to the resonant quality of life itself.

Resonance is the key of life.

Zacciah Blackburn

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