Previously The Center of Light and Sunreed Instruments educational pages

It is time to do the work. Have you discovered yours?

messages for these times Jun 06, 2024

We are in an epoch period of transformation, prophesied by multiple cultures, from the Algonquin, Hopi, Lakota, and Cherokee of the Americas, to the Olmec, Toltec, and Mayas of Central America, the Kogi and Q’ero of South America, and others throughout the world.

New Frontiers is a key phrase. 

We are in territory unexplored, and yet, the key is about remembrance.

Remembrance of Who we are, and remembrance and fulfillment of Why we have come, at this time.

What is your purpose?  What is your destiny? 

What is your most true and authentic essence, as a spiritual being, across thresholds of time, many lifetimes?

We tend to focus on this lifetime, and have learned to cultivate a definition of ourselves according to human circumstance, family, and station in life. We are so much more.

At the very Heart of Sunreed Instruments, has been the realization of this greater destiny and life.

I cultivated a way of life that would nourish me in my spiritual path and evolution, do the best I could to care for my children, and, over time, broaden my understanding of this Wheel of Life in ways, that I could truly be of service to the greater all, the greater good, through the work I offered.

And, that has been the work of The Center of Light. Therapeutic and educational services to assist others in their path to spiritual healing and self realization.

Now, that heart has truly come forward. 

We are again re-merging the heart and soul of Sunreed and the Center of Light. 

We have created a new website that literally is intended to do this, to bring forward in more clear and nourishing ways, the heart and soul of Sunreed; a path of how one might integrate the profound wisdom and revelations I was experiencing, in a knowing way of integrating into a life of purpose.

Thus, Sunreed Instruments was born, but the Center of Light was its heart.

It took awhile to develop the courage, insight, and wherewithal of how to manifest both. While I would like to say we have done a reasonably good job, the marriage, the union of the two has never been complete.

This is the union of heart and soul, of spirit and mind, of manifestation of highest purpose with implementation of how to embody and achieve it. 

It embodies the union of male and female, both in union with my wife Dorothy who inspires me and carries the vision forward, and the masculine and feminine principles within me. A union which we all carry, and are intended to unite in a sacred union, a sacred balance and harmony that honors all life, the intuitive heartfelt path integrating with the more masculine path of logic and reason. Both have their purpose. Both have their value.

It is the birthing of our new educational website, Sunreed Center, which gives life to this vision in new ways.

Sunreed Center (formerly The Center of Light) and Sunreed Instruments are blossoming together in union.

There is so much ado.
Indeed this is the time.

We invite you to explore what it means to bring yourself to this grand evolutionary process!

Indeed, what are you finding in your own life, as we enter this compression of time and space, that precedes an extraordinary expansion and evolution of human development and consciousness?

We are in it.
It is time to do the work.
Have you discovered yours?

This is the time of “Meeting Ourselves Again,” our Peruvian elders would say.  A very old time of prophecy.
It is a time of many cycles.  Cycles within cycles have entered stages of New Birth.
Indeed, today, this new moon is a time to honor it.

It is a time to honor the newness of the season, of the cycles. 

A time of honoring how to live in “with Heaven and Earth,” as one of our dear friends of astrology has shared. The messages are much more than that.

We each have our part.

Are you ready to step forward?

There is so much to explore.
We invite you to explore with us.

Much love,
And many blessings in your life and growth.


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