Setting the tone for the day with a morning meditation
Jul 29, 2024A simple morning meditation to set the tone for the day is always a good idea.
It can be just a few moments of quiet contemplation and renewal, setting a tone for balance, harmony, and coherence in our lives, for the day.
This can be simply coming into resonance with one’s felt sense of self, connection to that greater than self, with nature, or in alignment with one’s highest essence, or Higher Self, to ensure this resonance will permeate one’s thoughts and actions throughout the day.
Occasionally coming back to that resonance, through the course of the day, helps to ensure that coherence and alignment precede other thoughts or actions.
Old patterns and behaviors can easily move in and manipulate us, often without awareness.
That is the nature of these patterns. We often let that incoherence of learned behaviors take precedence over our conscious and more coherent awareness. But we do not need to give them power or charge over us. Indeed, simple awareness is all it takes to ‘change the channel,’ and tune in to a more clear or pure, alert, aware, coherent, aligned frequency.
It really is very simple. That we fix our attention upon, is that which will resonate through us.
Keep in mind that resonance, or frequency, is the language of the universe.
It is how communion, connection, and communication occur.
I think of the teaching from some of the classical Indian schools of music, where one is taught to take one’s instrument home, to tune it to one’s own inner voice, ear, or heart. Then, when we come together, as musicians, we must find a common tuning that we can commune with and communicate through our music.
It is not unlike that. And, while we certainly can come into that alignment with our community or workplace, many of us do not live or thrive in communities aligned with our higher nature, with the greater resonance of Life. This may take a little extra effort on our part, to stay in resonance with that higher alignment.
We don’t need to know so much about it. We can simply sit with our attention within, in a place of quiet contemplation, and allow that inner, innate resonance to come forward, as that is what we all, in goodness, in truth, in simplest measure, arise from, and are aligned with.
Just breathe into it, be with it.
The breath is a powerful tool for alignment with our conscious awareness. If we have difficulty, we can think good thoughts of good memories, places, or relationships that will stir that innate goodness within. Then simply focus our attention there. Breathing in, breathing out from that place. We simply need to allow it, and, to trust it, that which arises.
If other, darker thoughts or feelings arise, trust the process. Meet them with the goodness of a deeper, more steady breath. Allow the greater, richer, deeper goodness of your thoughts to arise and meet them, wash over them, cleanse them, or give them life to move on.
The guiding principle of emotions, to heal, is to move them out, not cling to, fear, or suppress them.
This goodness arises so easily, so readily, if we but give ourselves a moment to enter into its resonance.
There, it is, resonating within and through our hearts, beneath the subtleties of mind and emotion that might distract us with worries or fears.
Let us find that goodness, that resonance, in our hearts.
And bring it, alive, into the world around us.
Many Blessings to all,
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