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Spring equinox meditation

Thoughts on the Spring Equinox

messages for these times Mar 20, 2024

Spring is a time of extraordinary significance, or, as the Tibetans might say, of auspiciousness.
It is about what we make of it.

We have so much power and responsibility to carve our future, and our everyday reality. For most of us, it is more than we realize.
It is truly about taking responsibility, which gives us freedom of choices.
We have the power to improve our lives, make the world better, with simple everyday choices, of how we act, who we choose to become.

I know for those of us in hard times, or challenging life situations, this can be hard to hear, discomforting, even seemingly not realistic.
I understand this. It took me some time to truly realize and emphasize, apply these realities to my own life.

Spring is a time for great renewal, potency in the choices we make, literally, in the 'seeds' we plant.

Every choice is a karmic seed.

We have the power to make better and better choices.

If you have a little time, join me in this meditative practice (it takes up to a 1/2 hr).
It is part of our free meditation series online. It is about establishing a sense of 'clear space', through a Tibetan practice of "Vast Blue Empty Sky."
It is a powerful meditation. And has extraordinary potential, well beyond what it may seem on the surface of the meditation (as is true for most Tibetan practices.)
It creates the sense of "Clear View," as well as "Open Spaciousness," which gives us vast potential and connection.

Clear view allows us to perceive clearly, to make better, 'clear' choices.

From this we can take clear action, grounded in the certainty, the knowing of our own clarity.
This is the very nature of our power, of being empowered in our choices and actions.
The open spaciousness allows us to expand our horizon, feel safe in a more open field of emotional well being, more connected to the greater whole. The practice itself is understood to create a felt sense of nesting, of nourishment, and of generating self luminosity and self wisdom, part of our inherent nature.

Please take a few moments to join me:

Then, take some time to contemplate your place here, and the beauty of this time we are in.

If you disagree, consider this:

What are you doing with your time, your days, your life?
You have the power of choice to make it better, to improve the world we live in.

This is a potent time to consider those choices, to choose new seed.
What is it you want to create, to manifest in your life?
Take pleasure in your choices.
Take time to regenerate.

Share the seeds you choose to sow with others. This will generate even more seed, and more growth.
It, literally, is within the laws of nature.

It is your life, and you have the power to do so.

What others are saying about the equinox:

The equinox is marked by changes in the natural world that signal beginnings and rebirth. It has affiliations with renewal, fertility, new life, and growth. The spring equinox is a time of year that can remind us of the resiliency of life after a period of relative quiet. -

The equinox is seen as a day when one has the best possibility of transcending the limitations and compulsions of one's physical longings. -

Take some time regularly, if not each day, to contemplate your place here, in this life, on this great, beautiful planet, and what you are doing to make it even better.
It is a tremendous time of rebirth, new beginnings, potential to grow those new seeds you choose, and select to nourish to their ripeness.

Many blessings in all that you do!
Zacciah B

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