Remember the Breath of Life.
(This is a higher octave of our ‘physical breath.’)
If you simply allow your awareness, your resonance, to lift into a higher, more clear state of perception, or potential, and breathe in, you may easily experience this spark of life within your breath.
Just notice what you perceive; imagine it if the perception is not clear, a spark of life within the breath, as you breathe in.
Try it. Rest with this. Feel it.
Trust your senses: a higher potential within your breath, beyond the typical physical sensation.
If you are experiencing it, you will feel a greater, higher quality of enlivenment and illumination; you can breathe it deeply within, anchor in your soul. It can be like a spark, even a small electrical ‘jolt,’ even up to a lightning bolt quality of direct illumination.
This is one of the qualities the Bear Clan brings.
That power of direct illumination.
If we were speaking the Tibetan language, we might be calling this ‘the Diamond Light,’ a principle of pure illumination.
It has that power of illumination, clarification, and an igniting of wisdom, like the power of the sun!
Receive it.
Take some time to be with it.
Again, if you don’t directly or immediately perceive it, imagine what it might feel like as you breathe in, a small jolt of electrical energy, a charge of light, igniting awareness within you.
It is yours.
Claim what is yours.
Claim who you are.
That quality of remembrance of the true and authentic self-resides within this spark of life, this breath of light.
It is a technique for self-remembrance and illumination.
Let it ignite you, your true and authentic self.
Believe it.
Trust it.
This gift is yours.
Take time, also to get yourself ready.
We are in the times.
The times of transformation.
A prophesied time by multiple generations of wisdom keepers, luminous beings, and spiritual traditions.
Purify, clarify.
Consider yourself a Temple of Life, a Temple of Light.
Are you ready to clothe and house the Sacred Spirit of Who You Are?
Think of this.
How do you prepare the room for your true spirit to enter and reside within?
Make room for, clarify the house of your soul, make room for your highest essence to enter and reside within you.
Let it take charge, and guide your life.
Your smaller self may well be confused, overwhelmed, not sure of itself, not even feeling worthy.
Clear the space to make room for the higher, authentic aspects of yourself.
It shall guide and inspire you, enliven and quicken you in the path of discovery and self-illumination.
The smaller self is often lost, not clear on direction or purpose.
The Higher Self will clarify and authenticate this; Who You Are, and Why You Are Here.
Why have you come?
Your purpose is higher, much greater than our society gives you credence for.
You know this.
Few of our families understand or support this aspect of ourselves.
Forgive them for their ignorance and confusion.
Don’t allow that to keep you from your own truth.
You are stronger than that.
Let it cascade down, and purify you, prepare you for your greater intent and purpose.
It has the power to do this, and this spark of life can help you ignite the Self within.
Know this is not some ‘other’ entity. It is Who you truly are.
Get ready.
Prepare the room.
Invite it in.
Embrace, and embody it.
That which you truly are.
It is time.
This does not mean you need to change anything in your life.
Your job, your family, your relations.
It means it is time to stand upright in the authority and knowing of your Divine Essence, your authentic being.
To see clearly, to make choices and act from a place of clarity and authenticity.
It is a powerful and pure place to be, and to see from.
It awakens our innate Knowing and Wisdom.
Get ready.
Prepare the room.
Gather in community.
There are many of us here doing this work.
Seek others of like mind who can support you in your growth and journey, and whom you can support in theirs.
Harvest what is yours.
(We are in the time of “First Harvest,” Lammas, early August, a cycle of life honored by all indigenous and traditional cultures; so, this is a beautiful time to align with the cycles of nature.)
Gather your fruit, your abundance, your sustenance.
To be clear, we are speaking of your physical and metaphysical fruit.
Share with others all that you can.
Don’t cut yourself short, many of us give and give to a state of exhaustion; the rhythms of life, like your breath, or of giving and receiving; take part in these valid and authentic cycles of life.
Honor the abundance of life. (You are enough, there is enough, you are good enough, worthy, whole and complete in your own goodness. You have more than enough, you are more than enough, you are worthy, you are whole, you are complete.)
Recognize the cycles of nature, which include the principle of ‘Ayni,’ or reciprocity; this is the cycle of giving and taking in harmony with All Life. (And, the more you do this, the more these cycles of nature can support you, as you come into resonance with them!)
Honor who you are.
You are greater than you seem, or yet realize, or even imagine.
(I am reminded of the wisdom of Grandfather Alejandro, a high elder of the Maya, who says what is happening in this new cycle of time, this new era of life, is ‘greater than we can imagine.’)
We are vast beings of wisdom and light.
All of the great teachers have told us this.
Make room.
Honor all that is possible.
Honor all that you are.
Stretch beyond that.
Imagine more and more of and for yourself.
And give to the same to others.
Do not cave in.
Do not quibble over shortcomings of yourself or others.
Do not let the shadows of self-worth, value, or judgement ridicule your effort or path.
Do not let them overtake you.
Stand up within yourself.
And give others the room to discover their own path.
Go back to that Breath of Life.
Rest within it. Feel it again, now.
Let that spark IGNITE the inferno of life, the eternal light, within you.
Who are you, really?
You ARE a Temple of Light.
Honor it.
Be who you are.
Let your greatest potential open, sustain, and thrive.
Seed it with that spark of life.
Draw it in, through your breath, and through your conscious states of awareness and well-being.
Let your authentic, highest purpose take form and unfold, like a blossom of Light, with that seed.
Let it unfurl.
Let it take form.
Nourish it, like a seed.
Shape it.
Walk with it.
It has movement, it is not static in the ground.
Let it guide you.
Be a vessel.
Open your heart to the greater good.
Be a vessel of that goodness.
Be a vessel of learning and wisdom.
Be a vessel of compassion, of abundance,
of fruit for all, that you can share with others.
Activate your light.
Your principle of Life.
Again and again.
Breathe in the Spark of Life, the Breath of Light.
Let it ignite you!
It is infinite in nature.
It is always available.
It requires only your attention to its level of purity and Grace.
Feel it.
It is already there.
It only requires you to come into attunement, into resonance with it!
Then it is yours!
This is your true potential.
Igniting the heart.
Igniting the soul.
Igniting the Flame of Life within you.
Blessings to all,
Zacciah B
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