The Way of Sound™; a new way to thrive in balance with the essence of life
Jan 08, 2025The Way of Sound™ is a new way of understanding the ancient art and science of sacred sound, and how to incorporate it in our lives more consciously and coherently.
It is about the greater nature of Resonance, as ‘resonance’ incorporates far more than ‘sound.’ It is about wave form, vibration, and the feeling states of intuitive wisdom that can guide our lives.
As it turns out, Resonance is the language of the universe. It is not English, German, Spanish, French or Chinese. It is resonance. Wave form. This is how the universe communicates with all elements within it. It is how life communicates with itself. Science is coming to, if it has not reached, a common understanding of this. Everything vibrates. Everything resonates. Everything is energy, moving in waves. We keep searching for particles, but, no, they get smaller and smaller; yet, in the end, we discover everything is energy, everything is in motion, and everything resonates.
When we come to understand this, and ‘tune in’ to the resonance of things, and how we perceive and interpret that resonance, we have a more complete grasp of the universe, and of universal wisdom.
Wisdom cultures of the world have understood this, in one way or another, for eons.
We all communicate through resonance, through our feelings, and through the feeling senses, and feeling states. We all do. We all know what each other is feeling, unless we ignore our feeling sensors. We all know what each other is thinking, if we learn to refine those feeling senses.
Language is sound, but it carries far more information through tone, inflection, etc.
The oldest part of our brain has evolved from the simplest of creatures, who receive and interpret energy, vibration, and information through wave form, before there was touch. That brain is still active within us. So, too, our heart, our emotional and mental body. They all perceive, receive, and transmit energy and information. Every chakra of our body does this. Are we attuned to the different states of being we can access through these subtle points, that, literally, are intermediaries between worlds?
We all perceive Resonance in all forms of life.
We all transmit energy and information in wave form.
Can we allow ourselves to tune in, to receive and interpret these subtle vibrations?
We all are able, though many of us have ‘chosen’ to, or been taught, not to, not even to believe this is true. Some of us are more receptive and perceptive to these subtle states, these subtle energies, some of us are not. The feeling states drive our understanding of this. The intuitive mind. The feminine aspect of life itself, that is re-emerging in every aspect of our lives, through women re-claiming their power, and men, no matter how easy or hard, are coming to their senses of the power of women, their wisdom, love, and generosity, and bringing equal value to the table of that intuitive wisdom and sense of worth, where they have held onto, clung to, that power, through the patriarchal lineages and their more rational way of ‘knowing.’
It is the undulating current of life. Many spiritual cultures understand this, and give homage to, and names to this sacred aspect of creation. This undulating current of energy, life force, that arises from the vast and great void of life, to manifest life itself. That which precedes, manifests, and sustains all life. It moves through each of us. Can you feel it?
It is the feminine aspect of creation. It is the Akash in the Hindi and Vedic schools, the Prajnaparamita in Buddhism. It is the ‘Great Sound’ which is the birth of creation in culture upon culture the world over, the sound which moves the stars in Maori culture, the sound of ‘Om’ in the Hindi/Vedic cultures, ‘the Word’ in Western cultures.
Sound, resonance, energy, and vibration, ripples out through the whole of the known cosmos.
It resonates throughout our lives, from in utero, to the often gentle passing back into other dimensions.
It impacts us. It encodes our genes, our awareness, our bodies themselves. Sound informs us.
Its healing characteristics, also are known throughout those cultures of the world, used in every known culture, to invoke, empower, honor, heal.
How do we pay attention to this, and learn to use the power of sound and resonance, in all of its dimensions, to enrich and fulfill our lives, and our purpose here?
Do we pay attention to it, especially in its subtlest forms? How much more full, enriched, and vital might our lives be with a conscious relationship to, and with it? Do we incorporate this vital impulse of life in our conscious awareness? Our heartbeat, the love of others, compassion for others, for ourselves? The feeling of joy for life itself?
The Way of Sound™ is a way of interpreting, integrating, communing with, joining with this fundamental essence of life itself.
Sound healing is but a fundamental way of using this.
Understanding Resonance will resonate our soul.
So then, how do we incorporate sound as a tool for healing, for lifting consciousness, for revealing deeper states of awakening, awareness, and living relationship with the greater whole? And how do we integrate it in our lives through our environment? How important is that?
How do we use sound as an implement of coherently expressing our self, our truth?
Many do not know the hidden power of sound within our own voice, whether spoken or sung, and within our environment.
I am not speaking of just audible sound, which stretches far wider than humans can hear in the animal kingdoms, but in the full spectrum of resonance and wave form. Science tells us there is a great deal of energy and information within audible sound that they are coming to realize. But there is so much more beyond the human audible spectrum, and in subtle sound, as well as the subtle textures of our voice, the rain fall, the wind through the trees, the trees themselves, the animal calls.
Are we listening? Are we able to commune, and communicate with these subtle forces, these subtle voices? Do we hear the call of our loved ones through the ethers of the night? Are we so caught up in the hub-bub of our lives that we ignore these not-so-subtle truths? Are we listening, not only to the call, but the very appearance of the hawk or butterfly as it speaks to us in animal tongues? Are we paying attention to the very sounds of the environments we live and work in, that often are toxic to human nerves?
Sciences is focusing more and more on toxic sound environments, noise and more, that can literally wreak havoc on our nervous system, activate stress hormones that can lead to chronic disease, not to mention hearing problems, just as poisons in the air we breathe, water we drink, food we eat, can be contaminated with poisons. Are we paying attention to how our body behaves in toxic sounds? Turn off a high-powered fan, tv, or refrigerator, and see if you do not feel the ‘drop’ of unconscious attention, the sigh of relief the body gives.
What sounds are we “breathing?”
What sounds are we “dispensing?”
How does sound inform us?
How do we inform through sound?
Sound of our bodies, hearts, voices, and minds?
Are they coherent, and in balance with the sounds, the resonance of nature, of life itself?
The Way of Sound™ is a way of life, to live, listen, to be, act, and thrive in balance, in harmony with the very ebb and flow of life, the fundamental rhythm, the resonance of life, the essence and principles of life; The Way of Sound™.
Sound healing can be a great part of it, a most useful tool. But it is and can be far more than most people understand, or have experienced, even many practitioners of ‘sound.’ And one we, here, are deeply engaged in; in ceremony, in celebration, in our work, in life itself.
It is an incredible tool to use, with conscious intention and awareness, with simple or more complex musical instruments, from Crystal and Himalayan singing bowls to gongs, drums, rattles, tuning forks, chimes, didgeridoos, and more. Certainly, guitars, keyboards, harmoniums, harps, and many other instruments of the world can add to our practice. Voice is one of the most powerful of them.
{We are more than happy to help with the understanding and use of sound as a therapeutic tool for healing, wellness, wholeness and grace.}
The community we have formed in the decades of this work is a vibrant part of our journey. And, we are instigating steps for greater community involvement that can arch across the continents with those who work with us, who would enjoy that community of voices and fellow souls to join with in their journey.
Come, and join with us in this sacred journey.
The Way of Sound™
It resonates the soul.
Blessings to all,
Zacciah and Dorothy
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