Feather on watersurface expressing compassion, love and trust

Unconditional Love; it is the time of meeting ourselves again

evolution of consciousness Jan 02, 2025

We are in a precious time and place in our society, indeed, in our world. With the chaos that appears to surround so many of us, it is easy to forget the fundamentals of being human. Yet this is a time of profound transformation.

In looking at the appearances, it may not seem so.

In looking for solutions, it is an incredible time to contemplate the nature and power of unconditional love.

It is a worthy endeavor in any time. And, it is a most transformative tool.

As much as we may have experienced unconditional love, my own understanding has grown immensely through the years, through life experience, but also through the study and practice of the Tibetan Bon (pre-Buddhist) wisdom of 'unbounded wholeness,' the Bon and Buddhist view of our inherent nature, as well as their view of the very nature of reality itself, and its primordial essence.

In that state, joy, bliss and unconditional love reign supreme.

And, in that state, compassion for others who have not reached or do not embrace that state, is a natural evolution of one's own wisdom and being.

If we see others who appear to us to not be in that awakened state, it is understood they are in essence only suffering from ignorance. Or, we have further work to do in the realm of unconditional love. If we see others as ‘lesser than’ or ‘not as attained’ as ourselves, then we definitely live in that realm of ‘more work to do…’

Their focus may appear to be on unworthy attributes such as anger, jealousy, doubt, grief, guilt, or shame. Fear is the underlying emotion that drives these faculties. These reside in all of us, at least as a potential, until we have learned to overcome, to fix our attention on the greater states of love, truth, and wisdom, and live from that place. It is not unlike the master who advised us to 'be as little children,' living in a state of wonder, innocence, love, joy, acceptance, and non-judgment. As children, it is inherently who we are. As adults, it is a courageous place to live.

When in a state of unconditional love, it is like a radiant field of wonder, joy and bliss, that radiates out from one's heart, from one's body, from one's soul, from one’s very essence and being.

In this state of unconditional love, with proper wisdom and method, one can dissolve all states of fear, ignorance, shame, grief, anger, etc., that one encounter, whether perceived as 'ours' or 'theirs'. If perceived as 'theirs', there is more work we can do, for the benefit of the greater good, and our own evolution. Within these wisdom teachings, it is understood, that in the greater truth, these perceptions rise from within the self. It is our own ignorance that keeps us from realizing or accepting them fully as a part of the whole, part of ourselves, where all is held in complete grace and wonder. This may not be yet understood. I know I am still learning, but let us explore it a little further.

Those who appear to be resonating in those states of fear, who choose not to enter into a resonant state of wonder, may well appear to retreat into their fear-based state, anchoring in it, putting up shields of protection and resistance to our resonant field of love, because they do not understand it, or experienced it as we do, which may make them fearful of it. This may well be due to their own past experiences, often from their own wounds and suffering, betrayals, violations, and all that life may have thrown upon them.

It may be beneficial to keep in mind that we don't always know what others 'signed up for,' or are experiencing, nor have experienced in the past.

And this can give impetus for us to step more deeply into our own wisdom and compassion. Indeed, that is an excellent first step into 'the method.'

If they do not understand it, they may have learned that those things they do not understand may be harmful, even dangerous to trust, and thus they 'protect' themselves from it, by retreating deeper into that fear-based state, ready to respond at the slightest attempt to distill them.

They may have learned to put up shields like armor, to protect themselves from the 'unknown.' And be very fierce at protecting themselves.

Indeed, this is a common method of survival for children who grow up amidst trauma. Many of us wear such armor, no matter how well we may have dissolved it. And, I will suggest, the vast majority of us, if not all, who become perpetrators of trauma and violence, experienced themselves as children, and never found a path to resolve it.

Let us choose a different path.

I recall some of my own early adult experiences in this.

From my first moments of awakening, feeling I was in a state of ‘radiant love,’ I met and sought to greet or interact with others, who seemed unable to understand or 'greet' the resilient state of wonder and unconditional love I felt, radiating out. As I was inexperienced in the wisdom of 'method' of greeting such folk, I was often unable to meet gracefully, to find a place of mutual beauty, or dissolve what I perceived as their fields of resistance and ignorance. What I perceived…. I was unable to find a place to meet them.

This comes in part, because I was unskilled in the art of self-responsibility, and self-transformation, as taught through the Tibetan practice of "Tonglin," the Hawaiian Kahuna principles of "Ho'oponopono," the Peruvian practice of 'Huicha Mikway,' and other practices of self-responsibility, reflection, and transformation taught by many cultures around the world. In general, I will suggest, for your consideration, that we all have mutual culpability.

Forgiveness is a huge part of this type of wisdom practice, even as saints of the Judeo-Christian cultures teach.

Taking responsibility for our thoughts, perceptions, and actions, allows us to step more and more deeply into a state of grace, and compassion for others. Seeing that they are suffering from not realizing the greater states of happiness and fulfillment we may be experiencing, can open our hearts to reach out, and touch their suffering. And, with ever more skillful means of transformation. It comes with not expecting them to 'do' anything, or expect anything in return. Indeed, that is the nature of unconditional love.

There are very specific methods of doing this, of transforming the suffering, even the karma of others. This may seem foreign to some, and when discussed or taught in our classes, it is not unusual for many to see it overwhelming, undoable, or even dangerous, to take on the karma or suffering of others. The wisdom is, that we are not ‘taking anything on,’ but learning the skill and art of transformation.

We are agents of transformation.

We are not taking anything on, but bringing light and wisdom into the dark.

Once understood, it can be the simplest of methods. It may be as simple as the principle of standing fully upright within one's own power and knowing, one's light, luminous body, and wisdom, and using it to illuminate all suffering within one's field of perception. This, by its own nature, illuminates all darkness or shadow. Or, like water pouring over the hardest of stone in a running river, it eventually dissolves it.

Our actions may simply require time and patience.

In Peruvian wisdom, as taught to me, if one perceives it, it is one’s own field, and thus one’s own responsibility to change or transform it. And, then, it is up to us. What do we want to do with this ‘heavy energy’ in our field of being? If we do nothing, it weighs us down. If we choose to, we simply transform it.

If we wish, we call upon the allies, the Earth, the Elementals, and so many forces of nature ready to be of service to those aligned with the greater essence of Life.

It is a practice worthy of pursuit and distills all suffering.
To radiate one's inherent state of wonder, love, joy, bliss, and wisdom…. deeply connected to those resonant fields of unconditional love and being, that are the nature and vitality of Life, of the Universe, of universal principals, as spoken by great sages and teachers eon upon eon, culture upon culture, throughout the world.

I bring you this.
Stand in your power.
Stand in your knowing.
If you know it to be true, it shall be so.

It is a sense of knowing and being that contemplates and sustains this: the inherent knowing of purpose and realization of the nature of self in relation to these greater principles of the Cosmos.

They include the universal principles of abiding love, unconditionally, accepting others as who they are, exuberant peace and joy that emphasizes bliss as the nature of life itself; seeing beyond their encumbrances to the heart and soul of their essence as children of the same Divine Origin that you, I, we all arise from, however we choose to name or emphasize it.

Embracing them with the heart of compassion. Without doubt, as the Buddha says; which is our greatest obscuration, or limit of belief and knowing.

If I turn back to the pages of Tibetan wisdom within my own life experience, this is where we turn to that heart of compassion, the power of the vajra (Tibetan ceremonial tool, and tool of consciousness practices,) the Diamond Light, like the lightning bolt of Native American and other schools of indigenous wisdom (the power of Bear, for instance, often depicted with a lightning bolt in its body or mouth.) It is the power of illumination, the power of living wisdom, the power through stepping deeper into one's own inner truth that can disarm, diffuse, dissuade, dissolve or cut through the appearance of obstacles and obscurations that may impede each of us, keep each of us, we ourselves, from perceiving the pure states of reality, directly, and standing forth within them. We all have this power.

Let us evolve into that state, for it to become that inherent, natural, awakened part of ourselves again.

Let us remember ourselves again. Our true, authentic, whole and complete self.

Abiding in the wisdom, joy, love and beauty of the vastness of the Greater Whole of All Life. It is so rich and vital a part of us, all.

Who we TRULY are; not what we have been led to believe, or forged ourselves to become.

We are in that time of Great Awakening, prophesied by many cultures; what the Peruvian wisdom keepers call the 'Taripay Pacha,' the 'Time of Meeting Ourselves Again.'

Let us let go of that lesser, illusory vision of ourselves that we have forged or clung to for so long, perhaps far too long. This is often due to wounds and sufferings within our own lives. Often, to survive.

Let us embrace the magic and wonder of the world again.

It is here. As it was originally intended, and is now so to be.

Heaven on Earth.

Did that great teacher not say it is within us, as have so many others in their own sacred way, and tradition?

Or, if you cannot get that, that it is 'just before us.'

Heaven on Earth.

This is a time of great, profound opportunity, for us all.

Those who are seeking a state of greater spiritual awakening, enlightenment, radiance, and ascension.
It is an extraordinary time to embrace and embody these very principles which that state beholds.

I suggest to you, do not imagine the rest of the world is going to reflect back to you those grand states of grace or ascension before you embody them yourself. It is up to us, each of us, to meet those states within us.

I, also, recommend we not imagine we are going to 'ascend' into some other dimension, time, or place, essentially escaping this world of embodied realities, before we, ourselves enter the freedom of vast unbounded wholeness, filled with compassion, grace, love for all kind, in peaceful abiding acceptance, and embody it here.

Awaken our power, our knowing, our essence, in alignment with the principles of All Life, and proceed within the unbounded truth of that authority in our speech, thoughts, feelings and actions!

We are all learning. Be kind to yourself. Come back to it over and over. Kindle that love within you, for you, then it inherently spills out to others.

It is a practice. Remember it again and again.
Forgive yourself.
Love others as you would have them love you…..

It is the Time of Meeting Ourselves Again.

May it be so.
And, so it is!

Many blessings
Zacciah B


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