Private Therapy
with Zacciah Blackburn
Establish your path in your sacred journey. Meet your own greatest good. Discover your state of Wholeness.
Do you ache to reconnect with your inner guidance to clarify pressing questions and receive directions that are inherently yours?
Do you long for deep healing where needed, and to find your voice, true essence and authenticity in the world?
With his eclectic blend of spiritual counselling, clairvoyant insight, and shamanic and sacred sound therapy, Zacciah will help you to realign with your path in life, obtain your own greatest good and renew the resonance with your true nature.
For calmness in your mind, comfort in your being and confidence in walking the path with the light of wisdom guiding you from within.

Those whom have been on this journey, best understand it and can assist others with a deep encouraging empathy in making their way through.
Zacciah has been serving clients through his private sound healing therapeutic sessions for decades. His work is to help you find and establish your path in your own sacred journey, to help you identify and remove obstacles to obtaining your own greatest good, and to align with the greater principles of life and with your own essential being.
We do not provide medical diagnosis or treatment, nor specifically address physical symptomology, though there often may be some relationship to deeper spiritual work.
Many who have worked with him report entering levels of experience they have not had before. Sessions have brought insight healing, and confirmation that resonates deeply in their mind, body and soul.
The practical details
- $150 USD
- Duration is 1 hour.
- You'll meet with Zacciah over Zoom.
- When desired, you can schedule a follow-up after your initial session and so create your own experience.