The Evolution of Consciousness


Experience in depth understanding and direct perception of the wonder of our essential nature, in right relationship with the living consciousness of Earth and Sky.

With Zacciah Blackburn & Dorothy Stone

Join us

The Evolution of Consciousness programs bring deeper meaning and awareness to our lives and the understanding of human consciousness as our species evolves and adapts to planetary shifts, as we embody our authentic essence and heritage, and we build a living relationship with the energies of the greater Cosmos.

These practices not only benefit your unique individual path of spiritual evolution, realization, and freedom.

They also serve as a springboard to deepen your methodology in any new or established professional practice and enrich you with the tools to support your clients and community in your unique way.

Join us!

These programs are highly experiential at its core, as it is understood in wisdom traditions world-wide, that direct experience is the only way to truly connect and commune with, and fathom the wonder and mystery of the universe, and our rightful place and purpose in it.

Each program offers guided wisdom, and in-depth direct experiential practice utilizing the power of sacred sound via highly experienced practitioners.

These particular studies are based in explicit practices of traditional wisdom cultures in collaboration with spirit guides of the unseen worlds. These guides often are direct lineage keepers of the wisdom dispensed.

Practices are proven to be simple and effective in one’s evolutionary path, intended to awaken, vitalize, renew, heal, restore, realize and embody the greater potential of one’s authentic nature, in more direct connection to, realization of, and relationship with the greater whole.

Join us

Experience the wisdom and beauty that you are deserving of and prepared to receive.

Brighten your horizon.

This is going to be so much more than you can imagine!

  • Prerequisite: participation in at least 3 days of prior programs or completion of the Resonance & Radiance introduction program.
  • Recordings will be available. Even after we have started, you can still register and enjoy the practices!

Seed of Pure Potential

  • 3 Thursday practices, 2-3:30 PM each day

Recording available. Awakening the Seed. Awakening our seed of potential and luminous being within. How to further activate, enliven, and embody the enlightened state; working with the elements of creation. Based in Peruvian/Andean wisdom of the Q’ero lineages.

March 13th The Soul Star Initiation. An awakening of direct connection, communion, and embodiment of one’s highest essence; further awakening one’s spiritual dignity and authority; based principally in Egyptian mysticism, but incorporating most effective methodology of other culture’s wisdom.  

April 10th The Tree of Life - The Twin Star. Evolution of the 3 Hearts wisdom; based in multi-cultural indigenous wisdom, aligning with the living principles of Earth and Sky, and our inherent right of being. Further awakening and enlivening of the Soul and Earth Star, seats of dynamic wisdom, life force, and union, to awaken and fully enliven our sacred essence and purpose.

$333.00 | Register for Seed of Pure Potential

The Evolution of Consciousness


Innate Treasures + The Great Mother of Life + The Wheel of Time + Seed of Pure Potential

Receive recordings of previous practices and live participation in the upcoming programs with the special BUNDLE!

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The Evolution of Consciousness BUNDLE

Innate Treasures + The Great Mother of Life + The Wheel of Time + Seed of Pure Potential

Receive recordings of previous practices and live participation in the upcoming programs with the special BUNDLE!

$891.00 | Enjoy the full Evolution of Consciousness series