This is how medicine speaks to us
Oct 31, 2024Grandfather;
Keeper of Light and Wisdom;
Gatekeeper of the Medicine Realms:
Thank you for the beauty and goodness you hold, and bring to the world.
Grandmother, who binds your goodness to the world, and births it in your children, thank you.
Thank you for the beauty you bring forth in that goodness and wisdom, and in the many ways you share it so eloquently with the world.
May we see and understand it, in its many aspects.
In this very moment, Spider comes to speak with me.
She reminds me how she weaves the stories of the people, and the threads of manifest being into the world.
Thank you, Grandmother, for your stories; for your remembrance.
This is how medicine speaks to us.
Are we listening?
The above video is an example of the beauty of how the natural world speaks to us, when we listen.
In an 8-day outdoor Earth Mystery practice, the medicine of spider 'spoke' to us daily, in life altering ways.
In one of her final acts, she first 'redirected' us to the appropriate stone setting to place our altar for a special ceremony to honor a body of water as the feminine principle of life that she carries, as part of a larger matrix of inter-related sacred sites.
In a mystical moment of shadow and light, spider appeared weaving this web of a 'toroidal field', symbolic of the very ceremony we had been guided to perform in this sacred site of stones matching that very matrix, which was to produce a toroidal field for prayers and offerings.
Where she placed her body within the web, was of special significance in relation to the very guidance we had received for this ceremony. (She is that white spot at the top of the web....)
Zacciah & Dorothy
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